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Dr. Vijay Yadav
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
S.P.D.T. College, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400059, India E-mail :
Tel/Mob.: 08108461316
Managing Editor
Dr. A.K. Singh
Department of Science & Tech. Technology Bhavan, N.Delhi -110016 E-mail :
Editorial Secretary
Prof. S.N. Singh
Department of Mathematics
T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur-222002 (U.P.) India E-mail :
Tel/Mob.: 09451161967
Secretary of Publication
Prof. Satya Prakash Singh
Head, Department of Mathematics
T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur-222002 (U.P.) India E-mail :
Tel/Mob.: 09451159058
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